Wednesday, December 28, 2016

10 Important Life Lessons to Learn from Bhagavad Gita

I have already discussed the reasons to read Shrimad Bhagavad Gita in one of my previous article. Today, I am here with the important life lessons that we can learn from it. We all know that Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is one of the oldest religious and spiritual book, which is an influencing force for many people because it is considered as a Universal Truth Doctrine.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Life Lessons

The Bhagavad Gita is a word made from two words, Bhagavad means God and Gita mean Song, which together combines and makes it as ‘The Song of God’.
The spiritual discourse of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita was delivered in the middle of the battle field by Lord Krishna. As I already discussed Shrimad Bhagavad Gita previously, I would like to directly jump on to the important life lessons that we have to learn from it.

1) Work Hard and Stop worrying about the Result πŸ™‚

Since childhood, we have always listened to a phrase by our elders, “Karm Karo, Phal ki Chinta mat Karo”, which is one of the wisest lessons to learn from the Bhagavad Gita.
Everyone wants the result of their hard work which they do to get the fruitful results, but we really can’t be best in it. One’s motive should be to do work without thinking about the results.

2) Temporary Body and Permanent Soul
What Bhagavad Gita teaches us is that one should not be identified by their body, but by their inner self. Lord Krishna compared human body with a cloth. And what he meant to say is that our clothes are always replaced by the new ones, but our soul remains the permanent because it acquires the body of a person.

3) Always Be Calm πŸ™‚
Anger is considered to be one of the major causes of failures in one’s life because it is one gate to hell, other two gates are lust and greed. An angry person always becomes deceived. And it is considered that as soon as the deception takes over the mind of the person, it eventually loses the power of discrimination.

4) Avoid being a Doubtful person

Bhagavad Gita teaches us a lesson about the happiness of a person and peace in the world which cannot be achieved by a doubtful person. Avoid comparing this lesson with the lesson of inquisitiveness because that is an absolute necessity for a person for discovering himself.

5) Surrender enough to see the Truth πŸ™‚

It is irrelevant to know the path to enter the truth because all paths lead to divinity. You just have to surrender yourself for seeing the truth by yourself. Remember that if your action will be right, for the good and without any attachments, then you will definitely arrive at the right decision. You are light.

6) Perishable World
This world is mortal that means the one who takes the birth has to die one day. This is the actual, universal and an ultimate truth.
Bhagavad Gita says that nothing is permanent in this world. There is no magic or a person who can help to stay forever. The life periods of a person already sets when they take birth. Everyone has to die one day regardless of the power they possess or how great they are.

7) Be Positive πŸ˜€

Always try to be positive in life because if you will come across the wrong or negative thinking then you won’t be able to achieve your goals ever. You just have to avoid being a negative thinker.

8) Give Priority to Divinity (Krishna)

It is considered that whatever happens, it happens for a reason and we should give our priority to divinity. Because God has already planned for us and he would never let anything bad happen to us. It means that we should not repent about our past and stop worrying about the future because everything happens for a reason, for a good. You just have to show your faith in divinity.

9) The only way to prosperity and progress is Selflessness

If you really want to prosper and progress in your life, then you can only achieve it by your selflessness. The development and the progress are the rules of the Universe. Everything changes with time and we move ahead. You just have to do work without any selfish means and avoid sticking to one moment of your life.

10) Avoid Extremities, Be Temperate

Lord Krishna says that a person who fails in meditation cannot strike a balance in his life. Meditation helps a person in overcoming all the sorrows, but he should also enjoy his work and recreational activities along with proper diet and sleep.

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